Last day of the year.
Hi there!
Haven't been blogging lately.
Not that I'm too busy or anything.
I'm just too darn lazy to blog.
Just been lazing around all day,
my brother found the anime!
Grander Musashi, fishing anime.
Great isn't it!

But sadly, it's in cantonese.
Went to Vivo to watch Ip Man yesterday,
and there...wasn't any tickets available.
GAH! So Me, JD and Colin just nua-ed.
And seriously, I am really lazy.
Gonna go watch Grander Musashi! LOL
Oh, here are some drawings of a
certain Picasso I know, x) cute eh!



Aaaaaand cow!
Moo much, xD
Oh yeah!
No, not this Breakout.

LOL! This Breakout!

I can hardly wait.
Happy new year!

Hope all of you have a good year!
Lau, signing off.
MLM much?
Alright to start off,
Dissidia is freaking sweet!
It uses katakana and has english words in it.
Yeah like ability, summon, items.
Its also VERY TOUGH.
Man, Sephiroth is one tough guy.
But, overall its awesome.
Ohkaaay, enough about Dissidia.
So, I was told by this woman,
that I am invited to a "talk".
Some talk it turned out to be,
just another scheme to get me into MLM.
Went over to meet this woman called Arwen.
She brought me over to this coffeeshop,
claiming that the weather was warm.
Then out of nowhere she pointed out to me a
few cars and told me stuff about some guys
inside EnYouth, the company in question.
Then I thought, "ah i knew it. MLM, shit!".
So I decided to see whats its product,
system and office, ect...
Arwen told me it is an "Open Exhibition".
Note: Exhibitions normally last a few days,
Like any other typical MLM recruitment,
she brought me to the company,
showed me some photos of some
guys with Beemers and Lexus.
"Car Achievers", yeah yeah,
so she showed me their products,
I'm gonna list them out.
1) Bio-Magnet mattress pad.

[So the magnet is supposed to help you sleep better...right...
employs the Far Infrared and bio-magnet technology...LOL!]
2)"Skin" supplements. Alpha-Lipoic Acid supplement.

[Alpha-Lipoic Acid helps the yeah, why skin?]
3)Nano FIR watches.

["Nanotechnology" apparently, its a watch which can play videos,
songs and whatnots. Apparently, its "cutting-edge technology".]
4)Bio-Magnet accessories.
There are actually 4 series.
4a) UBER series.

[LOL! Pardon me, but it just cracks me up, like its a sick joke
or something, to make fun or nerd gamers and friends.]
4b) GRACE series.

[Yeah, so...pearls, nothing much I can say here. Boring. -yawn-]
4c) SASSY series.

[Yes, it is in fact the same as GRACE but these just look like
gumballs or mothballs, or even just normal plastic balls.]
4d) HEMANTON series.

[Hematite, ugly ass stuff, makes you look like a monk or nun.]
OH OH OH! And for the car achievers! Hurray!
Be proud of yourselves for getting a car,
from cheating your friends and families.
And even random strangers.
Alright, firstly.
Credibility is crucial in business.
And this just discredited them.
I don't deny that I'm cynic about
MLM/SLM or whatever they may
call their companies, thats why I googled it.
And guess what!
I found a whole thread with 60 pages
just flaming and dissing them!
So apparently, Raymond Lim(The BIG boss)
is pretty well known by people.
EnYouth was once called AstralMag Holdings.
And lots of people have lots to say about it.
About how their friends tricked them
to go for dinner/lunch or just meet up
and brought them to the exact same coffee shop,
say the exact same thing,
show the exact same cars, people, bla bla bla...
I'm a business student,
I know how MLM/NM/SLM works.
And why the boss does it.
Its a low capital way of starting a business.
Get enough idiots and you're rich!
I have much more to say,
but it'd just be me being biased.
I have nothing against network marketing,
it is just a simple marketing strategy.
It is the people who use it,
that I dislike, despise
and have a tendency to diss at.
Beware, EnYouth is known for
using trickery and
deception to recruit people and buyers.
Oh, and the coffee shop is located at Clark Quay,
just directly opposite Central.
Here is the address of the forum about it.
Feel free to view it!
SgForums: EnYouthNext time you get anything like that.
Be VERY skeptical about it.
BEWARE OF THEM!They're worse than kidnappers who
ship you over to Thailand, chop up your limbs
and then force you to beg in the streets.
By me x)Yes, they are...-shivers-
So take care!
And yeah, Dissidia is an awesome game.
Lau, signing off.