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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last day of the year.
Hi there!
Haven't been blogging lately.
Not that I'm too busy or anything.
I'm just too darn lazy to blog.
Just been lazing around all day,
my brother found the anime!
Grander Musashi, fishing anime.
Great isn't it!

But sadly, it's in cantonese.
Went to Vivo to watch Ip Man yesterday,
and there...wasn't any tickets available.
GAH! So Me, JD and Colin just nua-ed.
And seriously, I am really lazy.
Gonna go watch Grander Musashi! LOL
Oh, here are some drawings of a
certain Picasso I know, x) cute eh!



Aaaaaand cow!
Moo much, xD
Oh yeah!
No, not this Breakout.

LOL! This Breakout!

I can hardly wait.
Happy new year!

Hope all of you have a good year!

Lau, signing off.

Simple yet delicate.
11:46 AM

0 Itchyfinger(s):

Are your fingers feeling itchy?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Just out of randomness.
I miss my DS lite.

Lau, signing off.

Simple yet delicate.
11:21 PM

0 Itchyfinger(s):

Are your fingers feeling itchy?

Christmas Fun!
Warning: This post will be long!

Well, basically I'll just post about
the chalet, and after.
So it'd go for days 24th to 27th.

24th was the day of the chalet.
This is the picture of the booze.

So we have 2 Martells,
a bottle of Dry Gin,
a bottle of Absolut Bling,
and the bottle of Bacardi 151.

Yes, the start of hell.
These are the devil's advocates.

Save the Penguin.

and Don't drop the marbles.

First day was alright,
I helped my bro bring food over.
Auntie cooked 'em.
Here they are!

played a few games, took a few photos.


Here is Serena!

My brother, Weiye and Francis.

Drank 2 cartons of beer.
And some of the liquor.
My brother got dared to
pole dance by the lamp post.
Funny stuff.
Then drank more liquor.
After that I was gone.
Slept till morning.

Then came the 2nd day.
I woke up, had pizza.
Then went over to Bukit Gombak,
from East Coast Park. xD
Gave Angeline her gift,
she looked cute with spectacles on.
Then met up with Anthony,
and brought him to the chalet.

So the 2nd day, more people came.
We played the evil games again.
This time, there were guessing games!
Five-Ten, direction, the Ye game.
Then more drinking.
More people, more games, more booze.
And Weiye breathed fire!
With the Bacardi 151.

Yeye Fire

I KO-ed after a lot of fun.
My brother's friend pissed into the
cupboard and completely drenched it.
It was fun!
So we woke up and left.
Waited for a bus...for like 30mins,
before we realized there is no
bus service on weekdays.
So we cabbed home.
Went breakfast with Anthony.
Slept a little bit then went
to town to meet up with Amir,
Adam and Diyannah.

Slacked a bit. Then I went home.
Yes, I used "fucking" because
Oh my god, it is so fun.
Nice songs and awesome videos!
I love it so much.

Alright, so I reached home
and then my brother asked me if
I wanna go watch Yes Man.
So I said "Yes!"(Cheesy).
We went out, to Dhoby Ghaut MRT.
Then we went to the Arcade.
And...we played jubeat!

What is JuBeat, you ask?
This, is JuBeat!

And here is a video of
my brother owning in the game.

Lau JuBeat

So after that, WeiYe came
while I was playing my song.
Then they walked over to the
KOF machines and over there,
WeiYe and my brother played.
Wow, they are good players.
I also learnt of the existance
of the Ahgua Clan of KOF.
Heres Weiye and my brother.


My Brother.

After that we went over to
the Grand Cathay to watch...
Great film, Jim Carrey is still
as awesome as he always has been.
After the film, Francis went home.
Walked back with Weiye, Kori and Lau.
I went to 7-11 with Weiye, bought ice-cream.
Then came back and Dagon was here.
My brother then sent Kori back...
while Weiye and Dagon...wanted to blow fire.

Yeye Push Up Flame Trick

Dagon Flame

And they lit the ledge on fire.

Ledge on Fire

And that is it.
Until last night.
We watched Gaki No Tsukai on youtube.
Until around 6am(?).
Then I went to bed.

Today, I woke up at 12.
Watched more Gaki No Tsukai.
Its hilarious.
I would post the links here.
But my internet is screwing up.
So...good luck searching for them.
And have fun.
=D Oh yeah, they're the
creators of Silent Library,
now you have an idea of what it is.
Have fun!
And school is reopening soon.

Lau, signing off.

Simple yet delicate.
10:16 PM

0 Itchyfinger(s):

Are your fingers feeling itchy?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I K E A!
Twilight was good today!
But not THAT good.
Alice was cute, and holy shit!
Jacob is only 16 years old!
I meant the actor, not the char.
Bella was hella annoying, grrr.

Anyway, the trip itself was great. x)
Went for breakfast, movie.
Then IKEA!
So we shopped throughout Ikea,
went through the showrooms,
played around here and there.
And then...found out that.
The curtain bars were...
What the hell! Again?!
Oh well! Just hafta make another trip. =X
After that we went over to Queenstown,
where I bought a Wii nun-chuck.
38 bux it was! Quite expensive!
Today was great.
Can't wait for the chalet!
Here are some photos!

See! Its a baby bed, but its square!
[ ]! How cool is that.
It was realllllyyy cute!
Yes, it was. xD
Then we went saw these hats.
Flower pot hat!

Cake hat!

Adorable, aren't they! xDD

I received a gift package today!

Cute mittens, aren't they!
And! I do not
mutilate my nails, k! xD
Love the 600ml coke!
Oh and my mommy said that
the foodstuffs are good!
Yum yum. Hahahah!

Well I'm stopping here,
feeling quite tired.
So...CYA in a few days!
Oh, and a Merry Christmas!

Lau ,signing off.

Simple yet delicate.
12:05 AM

0 Itchyfinger(s):

Are your fingers feeling itchy?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Coke, Chocolate and more Coke!
Hey there! Hahahah!
I went to meet Joanne and Caiyuan today.
We were supposed to meet at 11am.
So we waited till noon and he came, hahah.
We went to eat PunCak. Mmmm!
I ate curry chicken rice! Yummy!
So after that, we walked around Far East.
Then we came upon this Candy Shop.
Japanese candy!
Soooooo...I bought Meiji Grape filling choco!

Doesn't it look divine?
It tastes awesome!
Ahhh, I'm so gonna buy it tomorrow again.
I also bought this!

Hahaha! Coolshit eh!
The coke itself tasted abit old.
But yeah, who cares!
So after that, we chilled by the stone tables.
Then we saw Matthew, sitting behind us.
We slacked there for an hour and a half.
Then Joanne went over to meet Isaiah.
Caiyuan and I then walked over to Cuppage.
To look for my mom of course, then he bought
this $1 scratch n' win card.
Then he was like, "Hey how do I know I won?"
I checked it out and he won $10!
I couldn't stop laughing as we went back
to the shop to claim his prize, hahaha!

We then went over to Plaza Singapura,
and then Xiwen smsed me, saying she saw me.
I was like "?! where?!", she was by OG,
out with her granny! How sweet, eh?

So we shopped around PS, went into
Daiso, Made with Love and Times.
Soooo many people! Sheesh.
Oh yeah, I also went into the
Christian Book Store in Far East.
What an eye-opener, they have so many things!

Oh well! 1 more merchandise on my Coke shelf!
And I need a card reader, my phone is spoilt.
I've been sending MMSes to my email.
Twilight and Ikea tomorrow!!!

Looking forward to my brother's chalet!
It's going to be so fun!
I'm gonna take lotsa peek-tures!(quote)
Which reminds me,
Ahhhhh! This is awesome.
And I needa stock up on minties.
And coke, D: I'm out of coke.

Lau, signing off.

Simple yet delicate.
11:00 PM

0 Itchyfinger(s):

Are your fingers feeling itchy?

Palm trees I know, but Palm roses?
AHHHH I took too long.
Its monday...月曜日.
Oh well! First of all, I wanna show off this!

Isn't it cute?
Its an origami rose.
7cm[Total Length]
3.5cm[Longest width]
3mm[Stem thickness]
I am so proud of myself.

Anyway, I suddenly had this craving today.
For fried rice! Yum!
I had fried rice for lunch.
I actually don't know what to blog about.

As always, it is AWESOME!
And yeah, I stupidly started at one of
the toughest chapters. -facepalm-
My brother enlightened me and I re-started.
Played Cloud's chapter, it is so easy!
Except for Sephiroth, again.
Oh and I fought with my brother!
I lost, and won.
It was so fun!
I hope to have other people I can fight against.

Annnyyyway. Monday tomorrow!
Lunch with Joanne and Caiyuan.
Haven't seen 'em in awhile.
Unfortunately, Angeline can't join us.
Oh well, Twilight on tuesday!


"Besides new tracks,
the game combines songs from the first
and second games resulting in a
music database with more than 100 pieces.
By taking challenges, players can unlock
hidden stages and music videos,
listen to music, train your reflexes
and have a lovely time."
-Release date: December 24th-

Its gonna be so awesome.
I'm shaking from excitement.

Hmm, had an interesting conversation today.
Here it is!
Started from lyrics of a christmas song,
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.
Found the entirely chat rather cute, funny.

Me: "they never let poor rudolf, join in any reindeer games""
Me: xDD reindeer games?!
A: haha! hm...catch each other tails?
A: count the number of spot?
A: xD
Me: hahah maybe they even play scrabble and monopoly
Me: xD
A: haha! they cant grab with their hooves!
Me: LOL! the elves might help them! xDD
A: haha! the elves are too busy preparing presents!
Me: santa is a slavedriver D:

As you can see, that made no sense.
LOL Yet, it makes perfect sense.
Thats why, its funny and cute! Hahaha!

Well, I'm gonna go make some banners.
Then Dissidia, then sleep.
And lunch with Joanne and Caiyuan later on!
Cya then.

Lau, signing off.

Simple yet delicate.
12:30 AM

1 Itchyfinger(s):

go fill up on coke and minties supply! xD

By Anonymous Anonymous, at December 22, 2008 at 5:25 PM  

Are your fingers feeling itchy?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

MLM much?
Alright to start off,
Dissidia is freaking sweet!
It uses katakana and has english words in it.
Yeah like ability, summon, items.
Its also VERY TOUGH.
Man, Sephiroth is one tough guy.
But, overall its awesome.
Ohkaaay, enough about Dissidia.

So, I was told by this woman,
that I am invited to a "talk".
Some talk it turned out to be,
just another scheme to get me into MLM.
Went over to meet this woman called Arwen.
She brought me over to this coffeeshop,
claiming that the weather was warm.
Then out of nowhere she pointed out to me a
few cars and told me stuff about some guys
inside EnYouth, the company in question.
Then I thought, "ah i knew it. MLM, shit!".
So I decided to see whats its product,
system and office, ect...
Arwen told me it is an "Open Exhibition".
Note: Exhibitions normally last a few days,
Like any other typical MLM recruitment,
she brought me to the company,
showed me some photos of some
guys with Beemers and Lexus.
"Car Achievers", yeah yeah,
so she showed me their products,
I'm gonna list them out.

1) Bio-Magnet mattress pad.

[So the magnet is supposed to help you sleep better...right...
employs the Far Infrared and bio-magnet technology...LOL!]

2)"Skin" supplements. Alpha-Lipoic Acid supplement.

[Alpha-Lipoic Acid helps the liver...so yeah, why skin?]

3)Nano FIR watches.

["Nanotechnology" apparently, its a watch which can play videos,
songs and whatnots. Apparently, its "cutting-edge technology".]

4)Bio-Magnet accessories.
There are actually 4 series.

4a) UBER series.

[LOL! Pardon me, but it just cracks me up, like its a sick joke
or something, to make fun or nerd gamers and friends.]

4b) GRACE series.

[Yeah, so...pearls, nothing much I can say here. Boring. -yawn-]

4c) SASSY series.

[Yes, it is in fact the same as GRACE but these just look like
gumballs or mothballs, or even just normal plastic balls.]

4d) HEMANTON series.

[Hematite, ugly ass stuff, makes you look like a monk or nun.]

OH OH OH! And for the car achievers! Hurray!
Be proud of yourselves for getting a car,
from cheating your friends and families.
And even random strangers.

Alright, firstly.
Credibility is crucial in business.
And this just discredited them.
I don't deny that I'm cynic about
MLM/SLM or whatever they may
call their companies, thats why I googled it.
And guess what!
I found a whole thread with 60 pages
just flaming and dissing them!
So apparently, Raymond Lim(The BIG boss)
is pretty well known by people.
EnYouth was once called AstralMag Holdings.
And lots of people have lots to say about it.
About how their friends tricked them
to go for dinner/lunch or just meet up
and brought them to the exact same coffee shop,
say the exact same thing,
show the exact same cars, people, bla bla bla...

I'm a business student,
I know how MLM/NM/SLM works.
And why the boss does it.
Its a low capital way of starting a business.
Get enough idiots and you're rich!
I have much more to say,
but it'd just be me being biased.
I have nothing against network marketing,
it is just a simple marketing strategy.
It is the people who use it,
that I dislike, despise
and have a tendency to diss at.
Beware, EnYouth is known for
using trickery and
deception to recruit people and buyers.
Oh, and the coffee shop is located at Clark Quay,
just directly opposite Central.

Here is the address of the forum about it.
Feel free to view it!
SgForums: EnYouth
Next time you get anything like that.
Be VERY skeptical about it.
They're worse than kidnappers who
ship you over to Thailand, chop up your limbs
and then force you to beg in the streets.

By me x)
Yes, they are...-shivers-
So take care!

And yeah, Dissidia is an awesome game.

Lau, signing off.

Simple yet delicate.
11:48 PM

2 Itchyfinger(s):


By Blogger Fabian, at December 21, 2008 at 2:15 AM  


By Anonymous Anonymous, at December 21, 2008 at 2:47 PM  

Are your fingers feeling itchy?

Dissidia frenzy!
Great news! ディシディア ファイナルファンタジー
Dissidia: Final Fantasy is out!
Bad news!
Its in japanese!

Dissidia: Final Fantasy
is the 2nd installment of the Final Fantasy series
on the Playstation Portable.
It is a fighting game, like all other fighting games,
you have to decrease your opponent's health bar.
But there are alot of other functions and things to look out for.
because its in freaking japanese.
-Sigh- Hopefully some kind soul would
post a guide bout it on gamefaqs soon.

Now that Dissidia: Final Fantasy is out.
One more game to go!
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep!

I can't wait!
Oh my, why can't it be released anytime sooner!
Wiki: Release date(s) JP Summer 2009[3]

Summer...is ½ a year away! D:
Oh well, maybe if I hope hard enough,
I'll get a NDS for christmas! HAHAHAH
Wishful thinking. D:
Oh wellxzxzz, TWILIGHT! <3>
Opps, time for dinner!
I'll post about my adventures at
EnYouth Singapore, a "SLM" company later on.

Lau, signing off.

Simple yet delicate.
7:39 PM

0 Itchyfinger(s):

Are your fingers feeling itchy?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Gah! Its so cold nowadays!
The skinny me can hardly take it anymore.
I need to gain some bulk, come to me bulk!
D: I eat and I eat and I eat and I eat,
I'm still the same skinny idiot.

Well...hmm..I wasted my whole day away.
Why? Because, Anthony is moving his house yet again!
So I waited for a couple of hours, 6 to be exact.
I slept, and I walked around my house.
Listened to some jazz, some Christmas carols,
slept more...and finally he came.
Went over to Sim Lim, he changed his earphones,
we had dinner and he went off.
What an uneventful day.

Oh yeah, I got hounded by some surveyor
I took a survey a few weeks back.
I skipped the "talk" once, in fear of being
kidnapped and shipped to Thailand.
Then have my limbs chopped off and forced to
beg on the streets.
And yeah, I'm going to the talk tomorrow.
I am such a brave soul. -eyes glittering-
Good luck to me!
And I'm feeling so lethargic, I think I'm low on coke.
And so, cya!

Lau, signing off.

Simple yet delicate.
10:13 PM

0 Itchyfinger(s):

Are your fingers feeling itchy?

Morning Breeze
Hello world! Hahahaha!
I woke up smiling like a boy with a new toy.
Even though I slept for barely 5 hours,
I feel like I've slept through eternity.
My mind is wide awake while I'm yawning away!
Gonna accompany Anthony to go change his lousy earphones.
I need coke.

Lau, signing off.

Simple yet delicate.
9:43 AM

0 Itchyfinger(s):

Are your fingers feeling itchy?

Cookie Monstas
Hello again, finally finished the blog.
Here, as you've requested, Jac.
I'll be posting alllll the pictures I have of Cookie Monster!

Lau, signing off.

Simple yet delicate.
3:07 AM

0 Itchyfinger(s):

Are your fingers feeling itchy?


Fabian Lau
9th November 1990



December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009


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